Proud to be Green!
I am proud to be Green. Print this and put it in your window. Vote Green on Friday!
Bus Connect and trees
May 12th 2019 BusConnect plans must save more trees: Greens The Green Party has backed concerns from residents regarding the loss of mature trees as part of the Bus Connects
Dog poo
Green Party Councillors Claire Byrne and Patrick Costello pushing for drastic changes to stop dog dirt problem in cities:
Weed killer kills biodiversity
I will push for Dublin City Council to stop using weed killer to protect the city biodiversity. Weeds will be back in our green areas in the city. It takes
No bench for Chapelizod Hill Road bus stop
The NTA is not responding positively or constructively to the request for a bench that would facilitate or make moving by bus easier for people with low mobility. Please see