Q.165 COUNCILLOR SOPHIE NICOULLAUD CRES To ask the Chief Executive to put in CCTV to secure Bluebell Graveyard. Families expressed the wish to maintain the gate open 24h/day and now
Free flower bulbs
DCC and Ballyfermot local office have a remaining of 50 bulbs to give away to community group or schools etc.. Give me a shout and I will bring them to
Q.166 COUNCILLOR SOPHIE NICOULLAUD E&T To ask the Chief Executive to set up and engage in a positive communication campaign about weeds left growing in the city where before dangerous
Parks in general and California Hills in this instance
California Hills is designated a Community Grade II park. Please see extract from Dublin City Parks Strategy 2017 – 2022 “Community Parks: The majority of parks within the administrative area
DCC’s email and website to report illegal dumping & much more
Members of the Public can report illegal dumping through the Dublin City Council Self Service Portal on the website or email to
Illegal dumping in general and Bluebell in this instance
This is the question answer from October 2019 about illegal dumping on public land and illegal dumping inside Bluebell cemetery. Q.164 COUNCILLOR SOPHIE NICOULLAUD CRES To ask the Chief Executive